Asked to come in early as cover: ask the expert

I start work at 10am as I take my daughter to school. Someone is going on holiday and my boss says I need to be in at 9am while they are away. I have no one locally who can take my daughter before school in the morning. Where do I stand if I say I can’t do as he asks?

Stressed woman working


If your contract does not include the need to provide cover then you do not have to work outside of your contracted hours.

Comments [1]

  • Anonymous says:

    i need a little advice i have just been made redundant from my job of 3 years and am currently 24 weeks pregnant. i went to my local jobcentre and was advised to claim contribution based JSA then later in my pregnancy to claim Maternity Allowance. My friend has asked to put me forward for a 4 week temp job for xmas, but is a little confused in case this affects my claim for Maternity Allowance.

    Editor: Your MA claim will not be affected.

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