Temporary contract not renewed due to pregnancy
You should ask HR for clarification on what they expect will happen with your role. It...read more
Danielle Ayres is a specialist pregnancy, maternity and sex discrimination solicitor at Gorvins Solicitors and advises both employers and employees in this area.
Danielle is a mum of two young boys and during her maternity leave became aware through other new mums that pregnancy and maternity discrimination was a lot more prevalent than she had previously thought. On the basis of this, Danielle chose to focus her attention on this niche area and on her return from maternity leave set up specialist advice clinics called ‘Keeping Mum’ for expectant and new mothers, offering legal advice and support to those encountering problems. As a result of these clinics Danielle has been involved in a large number of Tribunal cases in this area, acting on behalf of both Claimant and Respondent clients. She has also been able to successfully negotiate settlement agreements, securing some large financial settlements as well as apologies on her clients’ behalf.
Danielle is regularly called upon by various news and radio shows, including the BBC, and is an active contributor to issues in this complex area of law.
You should ask HR for clarification on what they expect will happen with your role. It...read more
In order to qualify for Shared Parental Leave (“SPL”) an employee must satisfy the...read more
How an employer chooses to manage the absence of an employee on maternity leave is not...read more
Your question relates to workload during pregnancy, and if you have a case for...read more