
I spend my life talking to entrepreneurial types. I must be able to come up with a devastating business idea.

We are still getting over the trauma of Wednesday. Bonkers daughter woke very early yesterday and wanted to know why the cat had to die just before her birthday. Rebel daughter is still totally devastated and until the end of the day swore she never wanted a pet again until we started reminiscing about Obli’s kitten years. She now wants two kittens. I keep expecting to see the cat sitting on the floor by the window waiting to be let out. Even my brother is upset and he hated cats. He still regards the cat we had when we were little as a "killer" and "user". He was caught red-handed with my brother’s hamster hanging out of his mouth. I tried to say that it was the hamster’s fault for escaping, as all his hamsters did. One died after eating a hole in my mum’s velvet curtains, another died of acute rubber poisoning after eating half of my brother’s banana man pencil end. Probably beaten eaten by a cat was the least nasty way to go.
We have cleared all the cat stuff away – the litter tray, the bowls, etc. The girls want to keep the bowls as mementos and the two youngest ones have been making paper flowers to go on his grave. They are hoping he will come back as a butterfly in the summer. I’m trying to convince them that it might be better to come back as something with a slightly longer life span.
Meanwhile, life goes on. I was too upset to put petrol in the car on Wednesday coming back from the vet’s so was inevitably running late in the morning. Plus we had run out of food entirely for the dinner. Why is it when you shop online that you always run out the day before the next shopping comes and you always forget about five essential things? There was a hold-up on the M11 and then the van in front of me got stuck in the max headroom sign entering the car park. Some days I wonder how I ever get to work at all.
I would like, ideally, to be winding down from work around now, but things just seem to get more hectic. However, I can’t complain as it is all very interesting. One of my jobs involves interviewing amazing students who will undoubtedly change the world. I come back from every interview thinking I am not achieving anything at all. The other job involves a lot of interviewing of entrepreneurs. Again, I think: why am I not out there creating some amazing new company which will do something marvellous. It all seems so accessible. I had never really considered it before, but now, having spoken to Business Link, countless entrepreneurs, having read books on "mumpreneurs", etc I am thinking there must be a gap in the market for whatever it is that I am passionate about. The trouble is that, after years of not indulging said passions due to lack of time, I am not sure what those passions are and, lurking at the back of my mind is the horrible thought that perhaps my only passion is sleep. I’m not sure this is a good basis for a business plan. I did like synchronised swimming when I was young – I was fascinated by them having to smile as well as do backward somersaults in the water and used to practice the moves in the pool. There must be some sort of business idea related to synchronised swimming and writing, surely…

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