Survey highlights jobs toll of lack of flexibility

A new survey finds 42% of women know someone who has had to leave their job due to lack of flexible working.

woman stressed at desk


Over two fifths of women know someone who has had to give up work due to a lack of flexible working options, according to a new survey.

The survey of 2,000 working women from Women in Business Expo found that 42% of women know someone who has had to give up work due to a lack of flexible working options, with 40% saying the lack of flexible working options available has been the biggest challenge they have faced in their career. Some 39% say they have struggled to find a role with the right level of flexibility required.

According to the survey, 67% of British women having a work/life balance is more important to them than salary, but 39% are frustrated that they have had to sacrifice their salary and career progression to be able to work more flexibly.

Just under half (48%) of women know someone who has had to give up work due to the cost of childcare and 19% have either denied or not mentioned to potential employers that they have or are planning to have children.

Asked what initiatives would have the most positive impact on workplace gender equality, 55% said more flexible roles, 42% said the ability to have a more open conversation regarding flexibility, 38% called for greater support for paternity leave in the workplace and 34% stated that greater support needs to come from the government for this.

*Women in Business Expo is a new free to attend event designed to provide an environment where women can learn, network and share experiences. The event will take place 16-17 October 2019 at Farnborough International Conference and Exhibition Centre, Hampshire. It will provide attendees with a range of talks and access to leading companies.

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