What would motivate you to change careers?

A new workingmums.co.uk’s poll looks at what might prompt a career change.

women, educations, courses


Greater flexibility is the main reason working mums would consider switching careers, according to a workingmums.co.uk poll.

Thirty-four per cent of those polled said greater flexibility would motivate them to change careers.

The results also show:

  • Twenty-two per cent said more money
  • Eleven per cent said the chance to take on a new challenge
  • Eleven per cent said being able to work nearer home
  • Fourteen per cent said being able to do more meaningful work
  • Six per cent said they would consider switching careers if they had support to retrain
  • One per cent cited other reasons.

One mum who said she would change careers if she had support to retrain said she would only do so if she could get a job on a reasonable wage, not the National Minimum or Living Wage.

A mum who said she would switch if she could find more meaningful work said: “I would do it for a job where I’m valued and can grow while still having time and energy for family.”

Childcare was one of the reasons cited for wanting a job nearer home.

workingmums.co.uk annual survey consistently shows a high level of interest in retraining. The 2018 survey shows that 67% of women were interested in retraining and 20% had retrained in the last 12 months.

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