Flexible working turned down
Your situation potentially gives rise to a number of possible complaints and options, but...read more
Do you have enough – any – time for romance or, as our poll suggests, does the extent of your relationship with your partner involve falling asleep on top of them on the sofa after getting the kids to bed?
It’s Valentine’s Day this week, but for the majority of working mums romantic love is
fairly low down their list of priorities – although perhaps not their wish list, as a
poll by workingmums.co.uk shows.
A survey of 389 working mums shows that 65% feel they do not have enough time for their partner.
One said: "I devote all my attention to my little boy and by the time he goes to bed, all
I want to do is collapse on the sofa! Half the time I feel like I haven’t even got the
energy to talk to my husband let alone anything else!?"
Another commented: "Two children, one at school one at home…and another on the way. Hi and bye are the extent of our conversations at the moment."
Of those who said they had enough time, several were on maternity leave and feared what the impact of returning to work might be.
One commented: "Because I’m on maternity leave our boy loves it when my husband and I are getting on and can see us interacting together. The harmonious atmosphere is good. Our boy sleeps at a set time every night so there is time for my husband. Not sure what will happen when I go back to work though!?"
Some women gave tips on how to squeeze in some time with your partner while juggling work and children. One said: "I think it is really important to make time for yourself and time for your partner, it might sound really silly but ‘date night’ is a great way to ensure you both get the time you need together."
Several said that right at the bottom of the list was time for themselves, although they
thought this was vital.
The impact of not having time for each other can be devastating on a relationship in the long term and can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings, says relationship experts. Parents often feel torn in all sorts of ways when they try to balance work and family life and many believe flexible working is the only way they can do so, as the soaring number of people registering with workingmums shows. For many it is a win win, boosting the health of companies working in a fast-moving world while at the same time having a positive impact on parents’ social and emotional well being.