Survey highlights flexibility penalty for mums
Despite the post-Covid move to more flexible working, many mums are struggling to get more
The Southbank's Women of the World Festival comes to Cambridge on 26th October, featuring debates on cyberbullying with campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez and on the pinkification of girlhood with Pink Stinks. Other sessions include speed mentoring with journalist and author Hannah Pool, Professor Athene Donald who chairs the Athena Forum – an organisation which aims to provide a strategic oversight of developments that seek to, or have proven to, advance the career progression and representation of women in science, technology, mathematics, and medicine in UK higher education, Dame Carol Black [President of Newnham College and Chair of the Health at Work network, part of the UK Government's Public Health Responsibility Deal]- who is also speaking on breaking the glass ceilling, and Barbara Stocking [President of Murray Edwards and former CEO of Oxfam GB. To prebook, go to
Women of the World Festival, Cambridge, 26th October
The Southbank's Women of the World Festival comes to Cambridge on 26th October as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas.
It featuring debates on cyberbullying with campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez and on the pinkification of girlhood with Pink Stinks.
Other sessions include speed mentoring with journalist and author Hannah Pool, Professor Athene Donald who chairs the Athena Forum – an organisation which aims to provide a strategic oversight of developments that seek to, or have proven to, advance the career progression and representation of women in science, technology, mathematics, and medicine in UK higher education, Dame Carol Black [President of Newnham College and Chair of the Health at Work network, part of the UK Government's Public Health Responsibility Deal]- who is also speaking on breaking the glass ceilling, and Barbara Stocking [President of Murray Edwards and former CEO of Oxfam GB.
To prebook, go to