Is gender equality slipping down the agenda?
Is the campaign for greater gender equality at work drifting a little and is now the more
The Government-backed Women’s Business Council has today published a toolkit to share ideas to help close the gender pay gap and encourage women’s progression in the workplace.
The ‘Men as Agents of Change’ toolkit aims to give practical advice to CEOs and other senior business leaders, the majority of whom are men, at FTSE 350 companies and other prominent businesses to achieve better gender balance in their organisations.
Recommendations in the toolkit include encouraging more men and women to take up shared parental leave.
The toolkit has three ‘asks’ of CEOs: to take responsibility for ensuring 33% of executive-level business leaders are women by 2020; to sponsor 1-3 women who have potential to secure an executive role, and to be a visible part of the wider conversation around achieving gender balance.
WBC members and Men as Agents of Change co-chairs Emer Timmons and Denis Woulfe said: “Change will only happen when male senior leaders demonstrate an ongoing commitment to delivering it. This is reliant on increasing awareness and supporting the case for change to win the buy-in of the workforce. Directives and policy alone will not work.
“We need to actively engage male CEOs and other senior business leaders as ‘change agents’ in championing and delivering the change required. This toolkit shares practical ideas and insights with the potential to make a real difference. We also call on CEOs to make use of the ideas presented in the document and to embrace the ‘three asks’ to help deliver the pace of progress required.
“We have looked at business leaders who are already doing an excellent job of driving gender equality in the workplace, and identified steps to aid CEOs in a practical way – from ensuring balanced shortlists to championing agile working. This will help accelerate progress and shift conversation into more effective actions. Now that businesses have reported their gender pay gaps, it is time for them to step up and do something about it.”